Sometimes it just happens. You cannot Control it. It just happens and it’s good. Today a wonderful soul came to my studio not to be photographed but to collect Money (by Reading my hand) for a Little village in India, where women are forced into Selling their body to get food for their families. From […]


Every year we have in Sweden a collect for something big. This time Musikhjälpen is collecting Money for pregnant women in need. To help to rais as much Money as possible I have put one of my Just People Picture on auction. I hope you will spend a loooooooot of Money on it to help […]

The vikings

Sometimes it just happens and you get the persons you want in front of the camera. This happened by accident when I asked friends on FB if they knew people with character faces. One of my collegues got me in contact with Per, a Swedish men from the North that really looks like a viking. […]


We live in a World of consumption. We buy. We throw away. We buy. We throw away. But there are several ways to change this behaviour. You can give away the stuff you buy to organisations for people in need or  to second hand shops. Or then you can recycle trash and remake from it furniture, clothings, […]


People out in the World, I am just a little bit curious. Trying to figure out which Picture will come into the first book. Do you want to help me? 🙂 [polldaddy poll=7545344]

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