2013 I sent in some Pictures to the 1st Three country Grand Circuit Ireland-Montenegro-Serbia competition. Both the Irish and the Montenegro judges liked this Picture that got accepted. THE THINKER is dedicated to  “thinking” that gives energy to a lot of things in Life, as far as for Tony from Sweden. A special thank to […]

The vikings

Sometimes it just happens and you get the persons you want in front of the camera. This happened by accident when I asked friends on FB if they knew people with character faces. One of my collegues got me in contact with Per, a Swedish men from the North that really looks like a viking. […]


It’s amazing how I can feel after have taken a new picture for this amazing thrilling project that is making me more and more proud. 2 days, 2 new pictures, 2 wonderful persons that I had the opportunity to portrait. 2 photoshoots that will remain firmly in my mind for the rest of my life. […]

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