Things are slowly moving. I haven’t been sitting still but worked from different angles. I applied for different Fotofestivals.
I will apply for a Portfolio Review in Stockholm later this Spring and I am working on a paper portfolio as well as the next photoexhibitions planned in for the Summer and Autumn.
I am also meeting new people that will be photographed soon and looking more.
Maybe you can help me – I would like:
– seniors (80-90 years young)
– children (3-15)
– Asian people
– South American or The Arabian Golf (maybe a princess?)
– A men with a long beard
– Any other person with a very strong passion.
The pictures are taken in Gothenburg. If you are intrested please be free to send me an e-mail at info@justpeople.se
I wish you all a Happy Easter time and I show you a teaser of one of the very first pictures taken “Colourful”.