Since the day we are born we deal with time, different times of the day, of the week, of the year. Times of life. Youth, teenage, adult, parent and last but not least when we retire.
Patience is almost impossible as a young human beeing. I am one of them. I can still want things done NOW.
But a lot of good things need time. Love needs time. Often at least. Time to be discovered, to grow, to mature.
Cicci & Christian know what they talk about when they speak out the word TIME.
Saturday, I had the chance to photograph this lovely couple. And yes, it is only a teaser.
As for this love it needed time as it is for me and Just People and the book. It needs time. We are growing now.
I wish you a wonderful week. Think about the Word TIME. What is it that triggers in your mind when you Think about time? Any special moment in your Life you want to share with us?